Hvala! je glavna beseda tokratnega izziva. S tem posnetkom želimo sporočiti vsem mentorjem in prostovoljcem znotraj FIRST-a našo hvaležnost za njihovo trdo delo, podporo, potrpežljivost in tople misli. V posnetku je tudi ena majhna skrivnost, ste jo našli? No, potem pa poglejte še enkrat 🙂 Zahvalnost izraža tudi naša maskota Pikachu, vendar na malo tišji način.
Thank you! is the word of the day. The fourth challenge called “Volunteer Shoutout” is based on us students showing our appreciation for the work of our mentors and the volunteers of FIRST for all their hard work, patience, support and warm thoughts. Within the video there is also a little easter egg, did you manage to find it? Well, then have another look 😀 P.s.: Our mascot Pikachu is also thankful for all the hard work!
“To all of you, who have worked Hard, so that young engineers Across the world can experience something New. this message goes out to all the volunteers and mentors, for all their Kindness, warm thought, patience and the support of the Youth, that will hopefully carry on the tradition of STEM and FIRST. Of course a big thank you and nice job goes out to all of Us young engineers, together we will make it and thank you once more.”